Frontiers in the clinical management of thyroid diseases
Neuilly-sur-Seine - American Hospital of Paris 63, boulevard Victor Hugo 92 200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Du 12 au 13 Mai 2017
Du 12 au 13 Mai 2017
AHP 2016 – Aux frontières de la prise en charge clinique des maladies thyroïdiennes
Live session
Combined unilateral robotic surgery and contralateral Rf ablation
? Grave?s disease: from consensuses to future
? Cervical lymph node: from location to treatment
? Thyroidectomy: OK, but after?
? Remaining grey areas in diagnosis,treatment and follow-up of thyroid cancers
? Surgery and mini invasive treatments of benign nodule
Informations pratiques
Tel.: +33 (0)1 46 41 25 25